Postgraduate studies

Hello everyone, today I am going to write in this blog the post-graduate courses that I would like to take, at the moment I am in my second year of the career of chemistry and pharmacy, I am still thinking if at the end of the career I dedicate some time to work or immediately achieve a magister but at this time I would like to achieve a magister, one of the specialties that I want is in toxicology or pharmaceutical technology.

Why in toxicology? well, because one of the purposes for me to like this career is due to the research of toxic substances in molecules, in addition to their pharmacological behavior, whether synthetic or natural, since I saw the mesh of my career was one of the subjects that caught my attention, I still do not make that subject but I have been told that it is a little difficult.
And now with the passage of time I've been interested in pharmaceutical technology, this specialty deals with the use of drugs in different areas such as clinical area, technology area and area of pharmaceutical policy, in general the one I like most is the technology area, I've always liked technology and what better if you put it together with what you study.

I would like to be able to make my magister in the university of Chile, I find that the professors that have these departments are quite good and dedicated in their works, reason why I would like to make my studies in Chile but if it presents me the possibility of another country I would not doubt it. The learning that I would like to have would be full time, it is like almost type of investigation, that better to have courses in laboratory, is where more is learned from my perspective.


  1. I'm interested in toxicology and how different cells response to different molecules


  2. It should be interesting to know about toxicology.

  3. How innovative it is to have pharmaceutical technology as an option.


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