My future job

I see the future very distant but at the same time very close, but well the time don't stop.
I really like work in a laboratory, a hospital or a forensic chemist, but not yet I don't choose one in special. To begin with, I will say the reason for each one, in a laboratory because I like to be able to discover things, to be able to help people with the discoveries that I can make, and I entertains to be in a laboratory and to be able to modify compounds or make a drug. In a hospital because always I like help at the people in themes of health and as like forensic chemist because one of my virtues is to be observational, besides that I like research, to be able to know what happened.

Resultado de imagen para forensic chemist
In general they jobs are indoors, I really like the nature but in terms of work is different, I only see myself in jobs indoors. A of my dreams is travel for the world for my work, because it would be a dream to be able to carry out what I study and to be able to travel to expand my knowledge or to be able to transmit knowledge that can be unknown to others. Thinking about money is not very relevant, if I do what I like I will be satisfied, my dad has always told me that material comes and goes, so I would like to be happy in my work instead of being bored.


  1. I would like to work in forensic chemistry, but I think that is a little difficult to enter in, because of pdi

  2. Wow! i would like to work in the same area, maybe we could be co-workers!

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. ill like to do some work in a laboratory too, i dont care if it is too difficult!


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